Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Eyes Say It All

All photos were taken at the Sacramento Zoo.

This American White Pelican is not only one of the largest birds in America but it is the only pelican that grows bumps on it's bill during breeding season.  The bumps fall off after the season is done.  

This is a Fulvus Whistling Duck.  I do not recall hearing whistle while I was photographing them.

This Great Horned Owl is a Zoo Ambassador and was so happy to be outdoors in the mild weather.

Funny.  While I was photographing this female Giraffe, a new 6' tall baby Giraffe was being born and getting ready to stand for the first time.  The public will not see this baby for a week or so.  

The beautiful Snow Leopard was no where to be found earlier in the morning.  It eventually came out and gave quite the look.  

This Jaguar was the first animal I photographed.  I told him he was so beautiful and that I truly understand how he feels.  

The King of the Jungle or at least this exhibit, had just jumped up on this rock.  When he gave me that look, I took this shot.  I love the intensity of this shot. 

I do not recall ever seeing a Crested Coua at the zoo before.  The color around it's eye is so pretty.

I normally like to take pictures of birds and other creatures in the wild.  When the opportunity came up to take a Safari Photo Class at the zoo, I decided to go as I am most certain, I will not travel to the countries where these animals live wild and free.  Even though the American White Pelican winters not far from where I live, I could never get close enough to them to take a picture of them. 

I am grateful for the chance to get up close (as possible) to these creatures. 

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