Monday, April 25, 2016

Interesting Sights on the Trail

These cute little ducklings are Mallards.  Both Mama and Papa were near by and did not show any apprehension as I was taking their babies pictures.  

Spotted Towhee's are usually found in bushes.  This one decided to fly up to a very old snag tree and survey the property.  

I was totally intrigued with these two.  Corvid's and Raptors do not like to be in each others company. In fact, Crows will dive bomb hawks and chase them away.  Here, this Red Shouldered Hawk stood on one leg and occasionally would vocalize.  The Crow, would make low high pitched honking noises and soft crackling sounds.  It would bow it's head, wipe it's beak on the branch and softly "talk" to the Hawk.  I usually hear these sounds during the fall when our crows briefly stop over in our elm trees to converse with each other.  This Crow would softly talk and the Hawk would vocalize for about seven minutes.  I had to video this as I had never seen or heard this before.

Damselflies are out and about now.  This one stayed still long enough to get a shot of it.  

Ah, the wild Blackberry flower and it's protector thorns.  They are beautiful and will be food for many a Mule Deer or any person who just so happens by during the summer. 

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