Friday, April 22, 2016

Interesting Characters @ The Sacramento Zoo

This Flamingo provided a good reflection shot.

I noticed these American White Pelicans being a little more animated today and thought it was because of all the children getting too close to them.  These guys were just waddling around their pond until their keepers came in and brought out fish to feed them.  Aha!  They knew lunch was being served soon!  I learned these two are rescue Pelicans from fact the female with two good wings is named Montana.  She was shot by someone.  After her recovery, she was brought to the Sacramento Zoo to live out the rest of her life as has ongoing problems.  The male, I did not get his name, lost a wing when it was tangled up in fishing line.  He too will live out the rest of his life as this zoo.  

This male Wood Duck is so handsome in his breeding colors!

Ok, this crow was not in the zoo.  I saw him dining on a squirrel that had been run over.  I cropped out the squirrel as the focus is on the this guys head and his eye. 

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