Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Cold Winter's Day @Vic Fazio Wildlife Area

This Wildlife area is for vehicles to drive through or it can be enjoyed on foot.  Because it was so cold and somewhat muddy, I decided to stay in my vehicle.  I have driven this area twice now and based on experience, it is best to drive this tour two times in one visit.  On my first go round, there really wasn't much going on.  Then, I see Sacramento from a distance with the clouds clearing.  So, I decide to add a creative filter and...

Then I saw a Kestrel stilling while looking for prey below.  I decide to follow it as it moves northward.  Then, I get distracted by Western Meadowlarks!  When I look for the Kestrel, he is gone!  Oh No!  But then, I see him on the ledge of the freeway happily ripping feathers off of it's kill.  I stay in my vehicle, watch and take pictures of this beautiful raptor eating away while vehicles are speeding by through an opening which allows rain water to flow out.  Suddenly, I see a large shadow on the concrete and the Kestrel look up.  I later find out it was a Red Tailed Hawk.  The Kestrel grabs it's meal and flies off.  Fortunately, I was in place to take the fly off:

I am so glad this shot came out as it is rare to catch this view of this colorful Kestrel.  He even has some feather's in his beak! 

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