Monday, October 24, 2016

Elusive Creatures On The Northside

Everytime I ride over to the Northside of the American River, I always aspire to catch at resident Red Shouldered Hawk that loves to perch just over the river on snag trees.  He always sees me before I see him and flies away before I can photo him.  That all changed last Friday.  A boat was motoring up river which caught the hawk's attention and allowed me to keep an eye on him so I could get set to take his picture.  He flew away from the river's edge and landed on a perch which gave me a clear shot of him while using the hanging branches to frame the shot. 

I then left the river's edge and rode out to a clearing to look for Great Horned Owls.  I was distracted by the noise and sight of a Grasshopper on an old dried up stalk of grass.  It was trying it's very best to hide from me.  I would walk around and it would go around the stalk as if to say, "you can't see me".  I liked shot of half of it's body being exposed and the other half hidden. 

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