Sunday, October 16, 2016

Biking Adventure Before the Rains Arrive

I decided to ride my bike yesterday as I knew today would be a wet one on the trail.  I did not have to ride far to find some interesting and colorful creatures.  I am so glad the Wood Ducks are back in the slough area.  The male is slightly fluffed and looking so colorful. 

As I was riding near a dirt trail, I discovered a sea of iridescent wings moving on the ground.  Thousands of flying termites where pouring out of holes in the dirt and moving southward.  I tried to get as close as possible to show them coming out of the ground.  I thought they only do this in the Spring....

Cedar Waxwings are all over the Parkway eating berries and bugs.  Their high pitched calls are unmistakable. 

Finally, a very cute Mule Deer fawn came out to see what I was doing (as I was photoing the termites).  Such a striking animal! 

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