Monday, February 20, 2017

Peregrine Falcon

I had it in my mind to look for Osprey that regularly frequent this area during a brief break in the very rainy weather we have been having.  The American River was flowing fast and very high when I arrived: 

As I was photo'ing this very swollen part of the river, I noticed a familiar high flying bird diving at Turkey Vultures and Red Tail Hawks.  It was so high up I knew I could not get a good shot.  Eventually, as I walked on the Hazel Ave Bridge, I saw a flash of blue go right under the bridge so I decided to look for it.  Here it is perched on top of a wire above the fast moving river...a Peregrine Falcon! 

For me, this was a tremendous moment as these birds are not easy to photograph + I have not been able to get a good shot of them until yesterday!  When I discovered the Falcon, it was dining on what appeared to be a small bird.  Then after finishing it's meal, it cleaned off it's beak and facial feathers on the wire and proceeded to stay on the wire for over an hour occasionally looking at me and other bicyclists that were riding by.  (The American River Bike Trail goes through this area). 

When it started to rain, the Falcon did not move from this spot.  Maybe it had to digest it's meal before flying off? 

What an awesome moment to be able to be in the presence of one of the most fastest raptors ever!

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