Monday, February 20, 2017

Peregrine Falcon

I had it in my mind to look for Osprey that regularly frequent this area during a brief break in the very rainy weather we have been having.  The American River was flowing fast and very high when I arrived: 

As I was photo'ing this very swollen part of the river, I noticed a familiar high flying bird diving at Turkey Vultures and Red Tail Hawks.  It was so high up I knew I could not get a good shot.  Eventually, as I walked on the Hazel Ave Bridge, I saw a flash of blue go right under the bridge so I decided to look for it.  Here it is perched on top of a wire above the fast moving river...a Peregrine Falcon! 

For me, this was a tremendous moment as these birds are not easy to photograph + I have not been able to get a good shot of them until yesterday!  When I discovered the Falcon, it was dining on what appeared to be a small bird.  Then after finishing it's meal, it cleaned off it's beak and facial feathers on the wire and proceeded to stay on the wire for over an hour occasionally looking at me and other bicyclists that were riding by.  (The American River Bike Trail goes through this area). 

When it started to rain, the Falcon did not move from this spot.  Maybe it had to digest it's meal before flying off? 

What an awesome moment to be able to be in the presence of one of the most fastest raptors ever!

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Great Day at the Refuge

For those that do not know, this Refuge is about 80 miles from Sacramento, CA.  It does have walking trails and a large visitor center but the highlight is the auto tour.  I cannot say how long it takes to get through this tour as there are a lot of wildlife out and about all along the tour.  Sometimes you have to stop your car and just watch them.  The sign says your vehicle is like a blind so you can take pics right from the car.  Some ducks are skittish and will swim/fly away.  The Red Tail Hawks will fly off if the car gets too close to them.  I usually do the tour three times as there is so much to see each time.  However, this week, I did it five times! 

The highlight for me was near the end of the auto tour, I stopped my car to check out a Bald Eagle pair perched approximately 200 yards away.  I watched as the male flew off and flew low over the water to scare up some ducks.  He then flew over to where I was and landed in a tree right above my car!  I took a lot of photos of him and spoke softly to him as well.  He stayed on this branch for over five minutes looking out over the Refuge and occasionally looking down at me.  I love this look:

I was enthralled with a Great Egret hunting for bugs.  I loved the reflection it created.  So I decided to turn the picture to show the unique shape:

Finally, I was able to finally get a picture of a Merlin (a small species of Falcon) who had just caught what looked like a Western Meadowlark.  At first I thought it was a Kestrel as the head and face was so similar to that bird.  The Merlin is more elongated and the body coloring was quite different. 

Monday, February 13, 2017

Sandhill Cranes @ Staten Island Nature Preserve

Even though there is serious flooding going on at Cosumnes River Preserve, Staten Island Nature Preserve is flood free...for now...

I drove out last Friday to see if there were still Cranes on the property as they are starting to migrate north this month.  My neighbors have heard then seen  many of them flying over Sacramento.  Here are a couple of shots I took of them:

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Northern Harrier Colorized

While I was waiting to be called for Jury Duty this week, I decided to play with some of my photos to see if I could make it a little more interesting.  I really like how this raptor turned out:

Monday, February 6, 2017

T'was A Cold/Rainy Day

Northern California is getting A LOT of rain!  This little guy perched on a wet branch long enough for me to get a shot showing how cold and wet he was:

Friday, February 3, 2017

1 Item off My Bucket List

I have been longing to take a photo of a 'wild' Bald Eagle for years!!!!!!!  Last Monday, I had the opportunity to do this.  A male Bald Eagle flew right over my car and landed in a snag tree and this is the result: