Friday, December 23, 2016

A Variety of Migratory Birds and....

Black Necked Stilt grabbing a tasty morsel from a flooded rice field.  I love the reflection!

The Western Meadowlark not only has striking colors but it's song is beautiful as well.  I always look forward to seeing and hearing them every fall and winter.

This time of year, there are lots of flocks of Sandhill Cranes flying into the Preserve.  You hear them before you see them!

Feeding Sandhill Cranes in a flooded corn field.

I watched this Kestrel for quite a while.  He landed and perched on a cut cornstalk in hopes of obtaining a meal.  

I had to include this picture as it resonates peace and tranquility.   I wish peace and tranquility for everyone in the coming New Year.

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