Saturday, September 10, 2016

Be Encouraged and Think Positively

I was on a stretch of the American River that is somewhat dicey to ride or walk because of a lot of (Campers on the River...)  One never knows who is going to come out to 'greet' you.  I do find this part to also have the most abundant wildlife and aquatic life.  I guess the Campers and Wildlife live in harmony with one another. 

I walked upon this site and had to take a picture as it spoke so much wisdom and encouragement to me.  In the midst of dark times, negative news headlines, thoughtless and harsh comments etc, know that you are not alone.  This wild Sunflower is thriving amidst dried up brush and does not receive any water, but yet it grew right there.   If the Sunflower can flourish in it's current environment, so can we.  Oh, and it is even giving back to Nature as the Butterflies and Bees were enjoying it's nectar. 

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