Monday, August 29, 2016

Whoo's In Plain View

Ah, the North Side of the American River near Sutter's Landing.  Never, ever does it fail to show it's wonders!  I had been to the river's edge and was heading back when I saw from a distance a very familiar figure.  It literally blended into the tree trunk and if I did not know what to look for, I would have missed it.  It was one of this year's Owlets.  I could not tell which one but that no longer matters.  They are all about full size at six months of age.  I will never tire of seeing these Great Horned Owls.  There was a bicyclist riding behind and away from me.  It seems this Owl was keeping it's Golden eyes on him.  I am still a friend!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Gulf Fritillary Passion

The Gulf Fritillary Butterfly is one of many butterflies that capture my attention.  My neighbor has a Passion Flower plant from which the Gulf Fritillary lives it's cycle from egg to caterpillar to butterfly. 

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Beautiful Deer on the Parkway

It is always great to see Mule Deer out on the Parkway.  Especially a doe and her fawns!  They were about 30 feet away from me!  I do not know what the fawns were looking at but mama was making sure to keep an eye on me. 

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Lazy Summer Daze

When my neighbors asks me to water their yard, I know I MUST bring my camera as there are always interesting creatures to photo.  The Praying Mantis has been on the Ginger Flower since it bloomed a couple of weeks ago.  I love when it looks right at me when I take it's picture.

The Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly is doing it's best to get whatever nectar it can get during these last days of summer.  

Friday, August 19, 2016

Hiding In Plain Site

This past Wednesday, I was sitting on my neighbor's front porch and noticed the sun was just kissing this Ginger Flower.  I decided to take a picture.  When I uploaded this in the computer, I saw a perfectly camouflaged Praying Mantis looking right at me.  

I decided to stop by and see if he/she was still there.  Yep! 

Monday, August 15, 2016

Working On The Next Generation

2 1/2 hours of searching at the American River today for Damselflies netted this photo.

Tis the season for damselflies and dragonflies to mate.  After mating, The male, who is on top, will hang onto the female and fly her to the waters edge so she can lay the fertilized eggs..  Amazing and beautiful things happen at the American River Parkway 

Friday, August 12, 2016

My Little Friend & I

About a month ago,  I posted Some Buggy Loves Me about a Praying Mantis who first jumped onto my camera then jumped on me.  That little guy enjoyed being on me. 

Well, I saw him again yesterday.  He was a little bigger and pretty agile.  Yes, he jumped onto my camera and then onto my arm.  Eventually, he went onto my fingers and jumped down to the ground.  We had a good 15 minutes together which allowed me to take close up shots on my arm.  The first picture shows the Mantis giving me the most interesting look.  The second picture was a shadow effect of the little guy. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

An Alert & Quiet Moment

A Mule Deer Doe and Fawn spotted in a slough along the bike trail.  They both saw me but did not immediately run off.  Eventually, it was the fawn who decided it was time to disappear into the high grasses. 

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Mink, Wild & Free

This past Sunday was a pivotal point for me so far as nature photography is concerned.  I had seen and photographed this Mink for the first time a couple of weeks ago but the pictures and video were not as clear.  This little Mink can move fast.  Very fast.  I thought I was seeing baby River Otters but the ears just did not look right.  Also, baby River Otters are never without their parents or family members....

Sunday was the day the Mink allowed me to see it up close and personal.  For this, I am so very grateful and humbled.  The fur on this animal really belongs on it's body and not turned into a coat!  Enjoy!

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Grabbing Some Lunch

Nature never ceases to amaze me!  About 99% of the time, I ride down the same bike trail and stop at what I call the turtle pond/slough area.  I decided to stop to watch a Juvenile Green Heron as it is much more active than the adult Green Heron.  I could tell something was going to happen as it was looking up or at least it had it's head pointed up.  There are many dragonflies in this slough.  I guessed the heron was about to catch one.  Here are the series of this amazing catch:

This is the second time I have witnessed a Juvenile Green Heron do this and the first time I was able to capture this with my camera.  What a Blessing! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Baby Fence Lizard

The Kayner Garden is abuzz with Wasps, Honey Bees and Carpenter Bees.  They are all doing what they are supposed to be doing with the Wasps being the best as removing Aphids from my Black Eye Peas and Chinese Long Beans.

However, there are two new additions that we spotted this week.  Baby Fence Lizards!  They are the fastest bug catchers ever!  One in particular has developed it's trademark blue belly over the past few days and really does not mind posing for a picture! 

Monday, August 1, 2016