Friday, July 29, 2016

Some Buggy Loves Me!

As I was rinsing out the bird bath, this little fella pops out to see what is going on.  I decided to take it's picture.

He seemed more than cooperative.

In fact, I believed he was becoming enamored with my camera.  This picture was taken just as he was getting ready to jump onto the lens.

This is a picture taken with my phone with him on my camera!  I tried and tried to get him to go back onto a leaf or a flower.  He would pull his arms in as if to say "No thank you"  Then he decided to jump onto my hand.

It looks like he is saying " I really like you!" 

"Do you like me??"

Then the little guy decides to walk up my arm and onto my shoulder.  From there he traveled up my neck to the top of my head.  I believe he would have been very happy to stay on me but alas, he was removed and put onto a leaf...

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