Sunday, May 29, 2016

Patiently Waiting To Swallow

I was walking along a dirt trail near the American River and spotted this Belted Kingfisher with something in it's mouth.  I was pretty far away and am very aware how these skittish birds can take to the wing in a flash.  So I moved a couple of feet at a time to try to get a better view of what was in it's mouth.  The Kingfisher would vocalize and hold it's head up without ever losing it's hold on whatever was in it's mouth.  Finally, as I got closer, it turned toward me.  I took a couple of shots - then poof, it was gone.  At least I now know it was Crayfish! 

Thursday, May 26, 2016

The Owlets are 3 Months Old!

These owlets have been and are continuing to grow so fast and have become really good flyers as well!  I was pleased to find them recently and Mama as well. 

Mama Great Horned Owl

Owlet #1 is so big!

The Owlets - #1, 2 & 3 

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Red Tailed Hawk

Tanner is one of the residents at Effie Yeaw Nature Center.  He and his keepers were returning him to his unit when a guest asked if they could take pictures of him.  I got this shot of Tanner responding to the calls of a male Wild Turkey. 

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Beautiful Eyes

I first saw this kitty last week and took a picture of it crouching at the edge of a slough.  It looks as though someone just dropped this little one off to fend for itself.  What caught my attention was it's beautiful blue eyes. 

Today, I saw it at the edge of the slough again.  Feral cats are located all over the Parkway.  Most of them are doing really well.  I hope this kitty does well too. 

Monday, May 16, 2016

Red Shouldered Hawk Chicks

This little one was perching close to the edge waiting for its parents to bring in some food.

Mama arrives to three very hungry chicks.

This Mama is so gentle and patient with feeding the youngest of the three chicks

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Feed Me!!!

While at the Nature Center, I looked up and saw a Starling interacting with it's chick.  Chick was hungry and impatient.  Eventually mom came in with a tasty morsel...

Monday, May 9, 2016

River Otters

I saw these playful guys while I was riding my bike near what I call the Turtle Area @ mile marker 3.  These two are regulars that come here to feast on Crayfish every once in a while.  

Saturday, May 7, 2016

A Day Of Little Birds

I drove out to Stone Lakes NWR to see what was interesting after a day of rain in the Valley.  It was just me and the birds.  (Male House Finch in beautiful breeding colors, Male Red Wing Blackbird keeping an eye on me and telling me not to get to close to a nest and a Female Blackbird gathering food for her chicks)

Monday, May 2, 2016

Beautiful Family

I have been following this family of Great Horned Owls every week since February of this year.  Recently all three of the Owlets fledged and flew about a quarter mile away from their nest area.  After not seeing them for a few days, I figured they had all flown off never to be seen again.  Last Friday, I heard a noise and saw an Owlet on a dead log near a Walnut Tree.  I heard two other Owlets screeching and knew the family was there.  I decided to take a risk and walk through very high grass to see if I could find them.  I had to keep in mind that I must not get too close as to alarm the parents as they have some serious talons that I did not want to experience first hand!  After a few minutes, I turned and took these two shots.  In the photos are Owlet #3, Mama and Owlet #2.

Words cannot express the sincere honor I felt to be this close to wild owls.  It was very obvious Mama knew and trusted me as she did not clack her beak or spread her wings out to scare me away.  If she had done that, she would be teaching her young that I am a danger and to beware.  I am humbled by her trust...