Sunday, March 20, 2016

Birding/Nature Event

I attended my first Bird & Breakfast event on 3/19 and was not disappointed.  We, as a group were led by Birder's from Audubon and were treated to close up views of the very difficult to see Hummingbird nests hidden in the Oak Trees via spotting scopes.  Because they were so well hidden, I could not get any photos but here are some I was able to get:

This, is a nest built by a Bushtit (bird is at the entrance at the top).  This nest is built with the same materials that the hummingbird uses to build it's nest.  The Bushtit nest is much larger!  

This is an adult Cooper's Hawk perched very near it's nest.  The guide was fascinated with the fact that this Hawk would stay perched for so long with so many people looking at it.  This Raptor can glide very easily through the trees to snatch small birds.  

We saw a lot of Deer off the trail.  They would not run from us, but they would not approach us either.  That is as it should be.  

There were a lot of Wild Turkey's out as it is mating season.  The males (Toms) are in full regalia trying to impress the hens.  I know they are not the best looking bird but they are very colorful.

A big Tom and a hen who seems to pay no mind to her would be suitor.  

This is young Tom who was intimidated by the bigger and older Tom Turkey pictured above.  Notice the spur on the back of it's leg.  They can inflict serious injury to another Turkey or predator.

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