Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Kayner Garden Surprise

    This is a female Verigated Meadowhawk Dragonfly.  I was working in the garden and was about to  go into the house when this female came flying around me.  She would land on the post and turn her head to the right and left and fly off and land several times.  Finally, she took off and came right back with what appears to be either a Carpenter Bee or a Wasp and proceeded to eat it right in front of me.  I was about a foot or so away and of course, my camera was on me so...I had to take a picture of something that I probably will not see ever again.  I was honored that she felt comfortable enough around me to come back with her meal and let me be that close to her while she ate. 

Nature never ceases to amaze me!


John Bozeman said...

Wonderful pics Mom!

Methinee B. said...

Love it! Thanks for taking the time to share this with the world!
You've got a natural talent for this.