Monday, February 29, 2016

T'was a "Ducky" day...

Hooded Merganser

A pair of Mallard Ducks sleeping peacefully in a log used by beavers, otters, turtles and other birds.

Another pair of Mallards enjoying a mild afternoon in a slough.

Male Wood Duck in full breeding colors with his female nearby.

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Nestoration Work - Tree Swallows

These two pics were taken a couple of weeks ago while a pair of Tree Swallows were working on this hole in a dead tree.  I love how the male tells the female to leave so he can do his thing with the hole.

Today, I came back to this spot and found the male had done some good remodeling and was able to fit himself inside the hole! 

Red Tailed Hawk in Snag Trees

Monday, February 22, 2016

Beaver In The River

This is one of eight or more beavers that reside on the American River.  

I watched it swim around this log and eventually go up to groom itself.  This is a favorite log for all the beavers to either sleep or groom themselves.

The beaver's grooming session was interrupted by a boat that was coming a little too close to the log. 

Eventually, it decided to slip into the river and disappear until the boat had passed. 

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Photos From My Backyard

I believe this Blue Jay is thinking he should hide this peanut in the Italian Cypress for later...

Cedar Waxwings are still here enjoying the Privet Berries.

Ground Squirrel is enjoying the afternoon sunshine.

I'm not sure what this Robin is looking at...whatever it is, he had to strain to see it.

Northern Flicker looking for bugs in my garden.

This crafty Crow watched a squirrel dig up this acorn then flew down at the squirrel forcing it to drop the acorn and run.  As you can see, the Crow is proudly showing off the stolen nut.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Common Yellow Eye Ducks

Even though it is still technically winter here in Sacramento, mild weather with temperatures in the 70's means love is in the air to these Common Yellow Eye Ducks.  While I was standing on the top bank, I saw male and female's gather together.  The males then did their best dance to impress the ladies by sticking their necks out as straight as possible then thrusting their heads to lay flat on their back while making unusual sounds that the female interpret as love songs.  To have two males do this at the same time was really cool!

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Cedar Waxwings or Batman Birds...

These Cedar Waxwings were all over my neighbor's privet tree today.  I enjoyed the challenge of trying to take pics of these fast moving birds.

Friday, February 5, 2016

Peaceful Afternoon

Western Meadowlark surveying the Reserve.

This Kestrel was way up high on an electrical tower.

A beautiful Cinnamon Teal.  He and his mate will be nesting at Stone Lakes.

It was warm enough for the bees to come out and gather pollen.