Friday, January 29, 2016

Waterfowl in January 2016

Location:  Colusa National Wildlife Reserve

Ross's Geese and a couple Greater White Fronted Geese taking a siesta.

Ross's Geese all sleeping on one leg.  They look like cotton balls on a stick!

Northern Shoveler pair.

Female Northern Shoveler.

This Greater White Fronted Goose was a bit irritated for some reason....

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Singing For Joy

Western Meadowlark sing loudly expressing his joy that the sun is out!

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Galt Winter Bird Festival

A Falconer brought his birds, an Eurasian Eagle Owl and a Cooper's Hawk to a local festival.  Before and after he spoke about the birds and his occupation, he tethered the birds outside so everyone could get a close up view of these beautiful Raptors. 

The Cooper's Hawk was trapped recently and is currently in training.  It will be released by the Falconer later this year.  

This Eurasian Eagle Owl is an ambassador owl and allowed visitors to the festival to pet it. 

Monday, January 18, 2016

Juvenile Red Tailed Hawk

I drove right under this hawk, opened my sun roof and took a pic.  I love THE LOOK. 

Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Sunday Afternoon on the Trail

Northern Flicker hiding in a pine tree.

Great Blue Heron up above the water for a change.

Female Red Tailed Hawk

Male and Female RTH's.

Monday, January 4, 2016

Beavers in the City!!!

1-1-16 New Year walk revealed a few Beaver hoping to warm themselves in the morning sun.
One Beaver decided to go for a swim which afforded another to take it's place up and away from the water.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Lunch @ Turtle Pond

This River Otter caught my eye as I was riding by on my bike.  I could tell he was going to stick around for a while so...I decided to do the same!  What an awesome moment!

Friday, January 1, 2016

Consumnes River Preserve

This little Anna's Hummingbird called me from it's perch in the tree as if it was saying "look at me!" 

After it got my attention, it flew way up high and sped back down so fast that it made a whistling sound.  Without stopping, it floated back up above me and held this position for two seconds before flying back up and speeding back down again.  This act was repeated seven times!  What a sight this was!