Wednesday, August 26, 2015


It took a while to get these shots of Dragonflies doing their dance as they always do this time of year.  As always, I am grateful to be able to witness nature doing what it does best. 

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Monday, August 24, 2015

Photo's from Robert's Backyard

    Garlic or Onion Seeds? 

    Passion Butterfly 

   Another view of a Passion Butterfly

                                                     A very Wet Praying Mantis

Birds, Bugs & Crustacean

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

8-15-15 @River Park #American River

I was at River Park to check on the status of a Swainson's Hawk Chick to see if it had fledged.  While I was there, it appeared to be still in the branching stage and did not flap it's wings.  I got there around 6:15am so the sun was just rising and cast a reddish color on the nest tree and the hawk. 

I turned to the American River and was surprised to see a mist like fog over the river.  I had not seen this before and certainly did not expect this in August.    Then a graceful Heron flew through the fog and low to the water vocalizing as it went.  What a beautiful morning!!

Sunday, August 16, 2015

Morning Visit to The Landing

    Egret coming in for a landing near the train trestle

                      Mockingbird ("I got a bug!")

    Mockingbird ("Look at me go!")

    Black Phoebe resting on old wood

   Tiger Swallow Tail Butterfly taking a sip from wet sand

Thursday, August 6, 2015

Photos from The Woodlake area

It was a buggy day yesterday.  As long as they were posing, I was a clicking away.  By the way, did you know it is very difficult to get a picture of a dragonfly in flight?

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Raptor photos from the Kayner Garden

   Juvenile Kites will perch in our neighborhood trees vocalizing for their parents to feed them.                  Someday they will be great hunters just like their parents

   This beautiful Kestrel appears to be new to the neighborhood.  He was checking on the Kites.


Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Photos from Sedona & Tucson AZ.

             Sedona, AZ is just naturally picturesque

                  Beautiful art, mountains and sky in Sedona

                             I saw this creature like saguaro cactus while driving in Tucson. 

                           A very thorny plant you would not want to fall onto

Monday, August 3, 2015

Photos from my new favorite spots off the trail

                                                   Wood Duck on a rock

       This was a very patient Dragonfly.  It let me photo it for several minutes without flying away

                  Reflection of the River Park trees at the American River

       This Grasshopper decided to hide in the shade-hoping I would not see it....

Really good Figs!

                         Macro shot of our first Figs from the Kayner Garden!