Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Afternoon at Stone Lakes Reserve

Sandhill Cranes are not only beautiful in flight but their vocalizations are like a sweet song.

This Greater Yellow Legs (Shorebird) was constantly sounding off while I was in it's view.  It was a bit irritating. 

This Western Meadowlark was singing so nicely....until it's friends told it to fly away!  I love their coloring. 

This was my last shot of the day.  I have no idea what bird this is.  I like the way it perched on the wood structure.

Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Peanut Feast in the Kayner Garden

We like to put out peanuts for the Tree Squirrels and Blue Jays since food is scarce for them this time of year.  I know they really appreciate it.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Moi aussi, je t'aime

This cute little guy appeared to be smiling and professing his feeling for the photographer, me.  ;-)

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Birds, Birds and Birds

House Finch perched on a pole that appears to be a popular spot:

I have seen this Red Shouldered Hawk in trees and poles.  It is trying to get some sun as the mornings have very cold.  I usually see it when it looks to the left:

Today, it looked to the right and that is when I noticed it is either missing it's right eye or it is injured. 

As I continued riding my bike, I noticed my two friends just hanging out in a tree.  One of them was particularly affectionate and looked like it was trying to obtain a kiss.

This final shot was taken near Cal Expo.  Two Kestrel's were on a pole and wire.  South of where they were is an open grassy field that is fenced all the way around.  Perfect hunting grounds to fly into.

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Looking Up is a Good Thing

As I was riding back home, I looked up and saw this Great Egret perched up in a tree.  The wind was blowing lightly with no threat of rain so I stopped to take a couple shots.  It must have groomed itself as there was a fluff of feathers on it's beak. 

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Double Crested Cormorant

I never really paid much attention to Cormorants until I saw this beautiful bird holding it's wings out to dry.  As I got closer, I was amazed at the detail of it's feathering and was totally captured by it's beautiful eye.  I was told that the item sticking out of it's neck is a radio antenna to monitor where it goes etc.  It stayed on this log for more than a few minutes and flew off. 

Monday, December 7, 2015

Variegated Meadowhawk

This dragonfly, was hovering around me for a while.  When it decided to light it allowed me to get pretty close for this pic:

Saturday, December 5, 2015

Red Admiral Butterfly

While I was at Consumnes River Preserves, this beautiful butterfly flew around me and decided to land right next to me as I was watching a Great Blue Heron grooming itself.  I was honored.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Photos from Consumnes River Preserve

This Kestrel appeared to be gathering grass and sticks for an unknown reason.  It's not nesting season.

 These are two birds I had not seen before.  A Black Necked Stilt with pink legs and a Pin Tail Duck with a gray beak. 

Red Tail Hawk taking off from the power pole.  He eventually circled back to see if the guy below would be his lunch.

This is a very well fed California Ground Squirrel.  I had put my car in reverse to go back and take it's picture.  I have never seen any squirrel get this big!

This Red Tail Hawk is eating well by the size of his crop.  He was perched very close to me in an oak tree.

Friday, November 27, 2015

Osprey & Turkey Vulture...

This Osprey had been perched on this tree for sometime today.  It was not happy to be sharing it with a Turkey Vulture!

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Warming at 11:30am

As I was walking south along the American River, I heard a swoop.  I turned and looked back and saw that this Turkey Vulture had landed on a branch not far from me and opened it's wings to warm itself:

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Black & Tan Shepherd

I was on the levee trail near the Cal Expo Racetrack watching all the sheep grazing.  I saw this Shepherd off leash with his owner walking about twenty feet behind holding a leash.  As this guy was trotting toward me at a good pace, I recalled most of the liability claims I handled where off leash dogs had attacked people and froze.  Thank God, this dog ran past me to go and sniff a small dog (who was on a leash).  Whew!